Gain 24/7 confidence in all your digital services.

  • Proactively detect issues before they impact users

  • All digital channels on a single comprehensive dashboard

  • Smart alerts: insightful message, right time, preferred channel

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Over 500 million tests executed daily for our clients in 25 countries.
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"Reliability, no crash for the past 3 years. Visual monitoring very helpful. Great user experience with the Kapptivate team."
Erwan T. - Service Delivery management
kapptivate testing app

Streamline your Monitoring experience

Simplifiying supervision : Focus on what really matters

High data volumes, complex architectures, and a multitude of tools can often make monitoring and maintaining your digital services challenging. Our solution focuses on what truly matters: the efficiency of the end-user experience by automatically and proactively simulating every key user path in real conditions.

Multi-channel scenarios simulation capabilities

Customer experiences goes beyond single app or website interactions. That's why kapptivate enables you to effortlessly integrate various channels into a single monitoring scenario.
Web Browsing
Mobile App
Mobile Networks
Voice & IVR
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High Frequency Monitoring
The more you run your checks, the more you will detect incidents. That's why we allow monitoring at a 1 second frequency.
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Private and Public Location
Run your checks from public zones or from private location directly inside your own infra-structure.
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Third-part tools integration
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Prefer to have everything handled for you?

Let our team take care of the entire QA process, from developing your testing strategy to maintaining all your tests.

Audit & Evaluation

We thoroughly review your supervision strategy and observability stack to enhance your digital reliability and simplify your internal operations.

Monitorings & dashboards set-up

Our team will set up and maintain all your monitoring scenarios.

Operational & Strategic Support

Count on our continuous support and expert insights to ensure your monitoring efforts align perfectly with your strategic business objectives.
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Uptime monitoring

Insights Corner

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Whatever your journey, we’re here for you. Ready to dive in?

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